Under the auspices of the Kumasi Area Office the Ashanti Regional branch of the Right to Information (RTI) Commission, organised the maiden sensitisation programme for staff of GRIDCo about the workings of the Right To Information (RTI) Bill.

Staff were educated on the provisions of the RTI Act 989, their rights, as well as responsibilities under the law. The initiative emphasised the Company’s firm commitment to upholding ethical standards, promoting informed decision-making, and empowering its workforce with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the scope of information access and governance.

The RTI Act, enacted in Ghana in 2019, represents a significant milestone in the country’s journey towards promoting transparency, accountability, and good governance. As part of its implementation efforts, the RTI Commission has been actively engaged in sensitisation campaigns and capacity-building initiatives to educate citizens and organisations about the provisions of the law and the mechanisms for accessing information from public institutions.

Against this backdrop, GRIDCo’s collaboration with the RTI Commission signifies a proactive approach to compliance and corporate citizenship. By proactively engaging its Kumasi Area staff, the interactive sensitisation session will equip employees with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective implementation of the RTI Act.

The wide range of topics treated included, the scope and provisions of the RTI Act; the process for requesting information or manner of access; exempt information; the role of the RTI Commission as an oversight body, and the implications of non-compliance with the law.

Mr. Vincent Appau Bediako, Senior Manager and Head of the Ashanti Regional Office of the RTI Commission led the presentations. He was assisted by Mr. Amoako Kofi Gyampah, Assistant Manager, and Miss Priscilla Demanya, Assistant Manager, while GRIDCo was represented by Ms. Joana Tetteh, Principal Information Officer and Ms. Faustina Akwaboah Antwi, RTI Assistant Information Officer at GRIDCo.

GRIDCo continues to meet all compliance and legal requirements expected of SoEs, and the RTI Law is no exception. Through collaborating, the RTI and GRIDCo will continue the sensitisation process to entrench awareness among GRIDCo staff about their rights and responsibilities under the RTI Act.