The first cohort of twenty-five (25) senior staff recently attended the 2024 Pre-Retirement Seminar, organised by GRIDCo’s Human Resources (HR) Department. The programme, which was held at the Volta River Authority (VRA) Academy, Akuse, offered insights into pre-retirement preparations and how to live healthy during retirement.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Edwin Kuntu Bankson, Senior Training Officer, VRA Academy, urged all participants to take the training seriously. “No matter what information you receive during the session, do not think you are late in life. Just stay focused and be determined to apply the knowledge gained here”, he noted.

Dr. Emmanuel Sowah, Medical Superintendent at the VRA Hospital, Accra, delivered the 1st presentation on, Managing Emotions and Social Dynamics at Retirement; Problems People Encounter During Retirement; Other presentations delivered included, Accommodation & House Maintenance Strategies at Retirement; Pre-retirement modalities with SSNIT & The SSNIT Pension Scheme; How to Access Your Pension Benefits without Sweat; Sources of Investment; Investment Before and After Retirement; Investment Opportunities in Ghana; Tier 2 & 3 Pension Packages; Healthy Living and Your Diet; Managing Your Estates (Wills, Assets Documentation); and Asset Documentation and Management; Pre. & Post- Retirement Perspectives.

After the presentations Mr. Alfred Okang, Manager, Non-Technical Training, VRA Academy, also remarked that; “Be prepared to leave here edified. Pension is like preparing food. When you use the right ingredients, you will have a good meal. Congratulations for clocking the various years. We are very proud of you. It is your contributions which have brought GRIDCo this far.”

Mrs. Nicholina Yemoley Nyumutei, Principal Finance Officer, Mr. Glover Barney, Principal Administrative Officer, and Mrs. Azara Amadu, Senior Administrative Officer, both from the HR Department, were present to talk on, GRIDCo’s Clearance Procedures Before Retirement, and The GRIDCo Retirement Package.

Closing the programme, Mr. Essuman, the Course Coordinator, VRA Academy, expressed gratitude to the Management of GRIDCo, for choosing to hold the programme at the VRA Academy. He was impressed by the interactive nature of the class and urged participants to put all they had learnt into practice. He wished them well in all their endeavours.

On behalf of the participants, Miss Joana Ohui Tetteh, Corporate Communications Section, and Ing. Joshua Dankwah, System Control Centre [nominated Class Representatives], expressed gratitude to Management for offering them such a golden opportunity.

Comments from some of the participants included;

“The Seminar was very educative, as the various presentations delivered, enlightened us immensely on what we are supposed to do, years before retirement. Hitherto, the seminar was held five (5) years to one’s retirement, however the news of Management’s decision to increase it to ten (10) years, with plans to later increase it to fifteen (15) years, was music to our ears. This would make room for enough planning, and the avoidance of several monumental errors before retirement. We are grateful to Management for this opportunity.”

– Ing. Joshua Dankwah, System Operations Department.

“The programme was an eye-opener. I have learned a lot, and I am going to plan effectively towards my pension.”

– Mrs. Becky Ashie, Snr. Admin Assistant, Accra Operational Area.

“The pre-retirement seminar was very impactful to me since it created an awareness, and reality of life after exit from active service in GRIDCo. I wish such an important seminar was organised earlier in my working life. Nevertheless, I am very grateful to Management and the Human Resources Department for putting this together for us.”

– Mrs. Ellen T. Dedjoe, Finance Department.