Members of the GRIDCo Ladies Association (GRIDLASS), celebrated the 2023 International Women’s Day in a grand way, thanks to the creativity and hard work of its Planning Committee.

Led by the GRIDLASS President, Mrs. Azara Amadu, the group organised a 1-Day conference with the Keynote Speaker in the person of Ing. Mrs. Yaa Okudzeto, Chief Executive of Built Services Consult (an engineering consulting firm).

Ing. Mark Baah, Chairman for the programme, in his opening remarks, hailed GRIDCo Ladies for their contribution over the years saying, “[At the inception] there were only roughly 3% of women; as of right now, 160 people, or 19% of the [GRIDCo] workforce, are female.” Ing. Baah added, although GRIDCo is male dominated, “when you go to the Areas and you see somebody like Florence Offeibea, Akosombo Area, standing on a transformer, performing electrical maintenance duties, then you get to know that indeed a woman can do anything… I want you to be proud of what you do for GRIDCo, especially in the outlying locations.”

Mrs. Ama Haywood-Dadzie, the Board Secretary delivered a goodwill message from the GRIDCo Board of Directors saying, “The Board wishes to honour all women worldwide and makes a special note of the extremely devoted female employees of GRIDCo, whose relentless efforts at all operational levels have allowed GRIDCo to conduct its primary mission of providing sustainable and dependable power to Ghana and beyond. The Board recognises the two strong women present on the Board: Ms. Dzifa Amegashie, a Banker of repute and Honourable Mrs. Patricia Appiagyei, MP.”

Ing. Mrs. Yaa Okudzeto’s presentation focused on the theme, “DigitAll Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality.” She said, “Let us take courses to upgrade and improve our skills in technology,” she said. Today, most employers require employees technological knowledge and skills. So, there is the need for women to step up their game and upgrade. Ing. Okudzeto challenged gender notions that men are better at tech saying, “We have to put a stop to that mentality, let’s take technology seriously, as it is going to make us improve on our streams of income, as well.”

In their solidarity message, the Senior Staff Association (SSA) and the Divisional Union representatives, through Mr. Wisdom Adenyo, the SSA National President, challenged the ladies to sharpen their digital skills, both at the corporate and personal level, to make themselves relevant and “rub shoulders” with the men in the industry. Women should never accept tokenism; it should never be part of them, he added.

Ing. Hussaini Adams, Manager, Network Maintenance with the Southern Network Department, took the Conference through a presentation on how men can be good allies of their female colleagues, by assisting and encouraging them to embrace technology.

The VRA Ladies Association, ECG Power Queens also delivered solidarity messages and participated fully in the event.

GRIDLASS Patrons Mrs. Monica Senanu, Director Legal; and Ms. Florence Agyei, Director HR supported GRIDLASS Executives to cut the celebration cake. Also in attendance were all GRIDCo Ladies dressed resplendently in the GRIDLASS Cloth.