The Technical Services Department (TSD), with the support of the Human Resources (HR) Department, has trained Operating Supervisors and their Assistants in the revised Standard Protection Code (SPC). A total of nineteen (19) Operators were trained.

The Standard Protection Code (SPC) is the Operations Manual for GRIDCo, which guides the operations and maintenance of all transmission assets. Prior to the recent review, the SPC was reviewed in 2012. However, about four years ago, based on approved recommendations of reports from various committees of enquiries, the TSD initiated a review of the document. An initial review was done by Safety Coordinators, with a final review by Operating Supervisors.

After the revised SPC received Executive Approval, the TSD proceeded to organise the training sessions for the selected group of participants, to educate them on the new SPC.

The major highlights of the training were the new codes added to the existing Standard Protection. For example, the introduction of PC3, is the Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Form, which is a pre-requisite for the issuance of protection guarantee for any workman, a rule on lifeline work, and a rule on Hot Work Permit.

Participants in the training – both facilitators and trainees – took advantage of the training to review certain practices, which will ensure conformity across in both the Northern and Southern Network Departments.