The Chief Executive (CE), Ing. Ebenezer Kofi Essienyi, together with the Director, Northern Network Department (NND), and some staff of the Department, have undertaken a four-day tour of sites of key ongoing Projects within the jurisdiction of the NND.

Beginning his tour at Kumasi, Ing. Essienyi and the team visited the Kumasi Substation to inspect installation works for a new 120/145MVA transformer, as well as the termination works for the Kumasi-Konongo Transmission Line Project (J2K Line). The team then proceeded to inspect some key points on the J2K Line and the break-in point for the Line. Still in Kumasi, the team visited the Anwomaso Substation to inspect ongoing installation works of a 145MVA Power Transformer and 34.5kV Feeders, ending day one of the tour.

Traveling further North for days two (2) of the tour, the team visited the Newmont Ghana Gold Limited’s Ahafo North Project site to inspect ongoing works of the 18km Transmission Line, and the 161/11.5kV GRIDCo Substation being constructed by Lycopodium and Eiffage T&D respectively.

The next site to be inspected was the Cardinal Namdini Gold Mines project site, where the team carried out an inspection of the 26km 161 kV Transmission Line to the project site where GRIDCo’s substation is being constructed. The Site Manager of Xian Electric Engineering Co. Ltd., project contractors, led the team on the tour of the site where the CE inspected progress of the civil and electromechanical works being carried out. Day three of the tour ended with a short visit to the Nayagnia Substation to inspect preparatory works to be carried out for the installation of two (2) autotransformers at the substation.

On the fourth day, the team visited the Bui Power Authority’s (BPA) 100-Megawatt Solar Project Site at Yendi, where work was progressing steadily. An inspection of the transmission line corridor, GRIDCo’s substation, as well as the Solar Farm was carried out with the contractor – First Sky Limited – who briefed Ing. Essienyi on the status of the project and the timelines for completion.

The tour ended with brief visits to the Yendi and Adubiliyili Substations.