Dear Colleagues,

I am honoured to welcome you to the launch of the ‘Internal Audit Awareness Month.’

The Internal Audit Department of GRIDCo has drawn up a programme for the occasion and invites all staff to join in the celebration. The month of May is a time for us to globally recognise and appreciate the crucial role of internal auditors in our organisations, ensuring accountability, responsible governance, and continuous improvement.

The aim of this month’s programme is also intended to encourage a culture of collaboration among all stakeholders. Throughout this month, let us reflect on the valuable contributions and impact our internal auditors could make on GRIDCo.

As the Director, Internal Audit, I lead a team of dedicated professionals who work tirelessly to evaluate and improve our organisation’s processes, systems, and controls. Our mission is to provide independent and objective assurance to Management and the Board, helping to achieve strategic objectives, manage risks effectively, and enhance organisational performance.

I, therefore, encourage all staff to participate in the programme, engage with our internal auditors, explore insights into internal auditing, and collaborate to strengthen governance practices in GRIDCo.

Thank you.

Director, Internal Audit

Richard Ntim