The Outstanding Personality Award was conferred on GRIDCo’s Director, Audit, Mr. Richard Ntim at the just-ended Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) National Governance Conference.

The award is named after the “Late Gilbert Ohene Dokyi”, a former Chief Executive of VRA who played an exemplary role in the formation of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Ghana and recognised the role of internal audit in corporate governance.

The award was presented to Mr. Ntim at the 2024 IIA Conference by the President of the IIA, Mr. Joseph Dakora Zumasegee. Also joining Mr. Ntim were staff of GRIDCo attending the 3-Day conference at the UPSA, Legon.

The brief citation read, “The Gilbert Ohene Dokyi Outstanding Personality Award is presented to Mr. Richard Ntim in Recognition of your immense contribution to the Internal Auditing Profession and your tremendous support to the Institute of Internal Auditors Ghana”.

Mr. Ntim has served in various capacities at the IIA including former President of IIA Ghana and former Vice-President, African Federation of Institutes of Internal Auditors (AFIIA) responsible for West Africa.